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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Privacy policy
Privacy policy ..................... by accepting this Privacy Policy, you expressly agree to deal with the practices described in this policy information. This Privacy Policy is a part of and incorporated into the terms of explanations for use and end-user license agreements associated with the sites and / or services. In addition, by accepting this privacy policy that explicitly represent: (a) that I was more than a minor it is considered within the scope of authority in which you reside at the age of 18 and / or not. Or (b) that you are a parent or guardian of a minor and you who have expressly agreed to deal with the personal information of a minor as stated in the policy. Or (c) you are a school or school district, which contracted with the Code for the collection of personal information to the students to get the education context authorized by the school or school district. Your continued use of our sites and / or services, or any other content, products or other services covered by this policy, which constitutes your acceptance and agreement on this policy and any updates.
Contact us

1. The information we collect
In the description of our group, use, and exchange of information in this policy, we refer to the collection and use of our "personal information." "Personal information" as used in this policy, is personal information, which is information that directly determine the individual, such as the first name and last, mailing address, email address, billing information, IP addresses, demographics, passwords or other online contact information, or phone number. We collect personal information, as well as non-personal identifiable information on the blog sites and / or services.
We collect personal information in two ways. First, we collect the information you provide us in, voluntary contributions are optional, as is the case in the registration forms, user profiles, promotional subscription, lottery / participate in the contest, and requests for customer service, and software and download mobile applications, notes CV. Second, some personal information may be collected automatically. This is described below in the "passive data collection."
We also may obtain information, including personal information, from third-party sources. If we collected information directly from third parties with the personal information we have collected, we will deal with the information along as personal information and deal with it in accordance with this policy. In addition, please note that we may seek third parties to collect personal information on our behalf in such cases to guide those of third parties to comply with this policy and all applicable data protection laws.
Please be aware that we are prohibited from conditioning child's participation in any activity on this child's disclosure of personal information than is reasonably necessary to participate in this activity. I was under no obligation to provide, and may refuse to provide any information requested at any time. However, if you decline to provide personal information that is reasonably necessary to participate in certain activities, you may not be able to participate in these activities on some sites and / or services.
Negative data collection
We may receive information passively, collected through a variety of methods, including but not limited to:
We may use a variety of ways, including "cookies" to collect information.
What are cookies?
Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information that are downloaded to your computer when you visit a website. Cookies are then sent to a Web site in the emerging each subsequent visit, or to another site that recognizes that cookie. Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize the user's device. You can find more information about cookies:
Cookies do a lot of different jobs, such as allowing you to navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, and generally improve the user experience. They can also help ensure that the ads you see on the Internet more convenient for you and your interests.
It has been rated the cookies used on the sites and / or services on the basis of the existing categories in the guide of the International Criminal Court in the United Kingdom cookie. Full list of all the cookies used on the sites and / or services by category below.
Cookies performance
Entries collects cookies on websites and / or our own services to capture information about this information page anonymous visits to the source and explanations This information is used only internally files (for example, "cookies performance.") - To provide more effective Zoarna.eetm use the information from the file content cookies to measure the popularity of a page and analyze traffic patterns on our websites and / or services and guide the development of other sites which improvements and / or services.
Targeting, performance, and functionality cookies
In our e-mail programs, and working methods follow some explanations (for example, "targeting, performance, and functionality cookies"). We follow the "open" cross-tracking pixels in the sense of email- we track that opens the e-mail messages to us and when you open the e-mail messages to us. We follow the "clicks" through encrypted URL meaning trace whether clicking on links in e-mail messages have titles. This information is used internally only to help us provide relevant messages, and not shared with any third party.
Jobs and the necessary Cookies
The Code does not require you to accept cookies and / or may withdraw your consent to our use of cookies at any time by adjusting the privacy settings in the browser, but some functions on our sites (for QBill instance "function cookies"), we have a product or service check-out process, and can be disabled services if you decline to accept cookies (for example, "cookies necessary.") Opted out of the Alkokizbasthaddam sites and services, you agree to put Cookies referred to above. You can, however, adjust your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the opportunity to decide whether or not to accept it. You can also change your cookie settings through preference options at our sites and / or services, where applicable. It will indicate that when selecting preferences, which will use cookies to remember Tvdellatk.alamdoonh never give away information about our users. If you choose to provide personal information about yourself, and Blog use this information only to communicate directly with you. And Ataatahd Entries not to sell, lease or otherwise disclose this information to third parties unless the necessary disclosure for the purposes set out in this policy, through the law or policy or notice given or linked to a specific location (s) and / or service (s) based Moqakd .alkhaddmat we collect, use and share (and licensees providers) minute, including real-time location of a mobile site or Althabt.odoat Thalilatnhn location data using analytical tools and technologies, third party and other, such as Google Analytics and DoubleClick cookies , to collect non-personal information in the form of various standards in use and the user when using the sites and / or services on our online. These tools and techniques to collect and analyze the specific types of information, including cookies and addresses of IP, device IDs, software, reference and addresses out, and conduct on-site and use of the information, gauges use a feature and statistics, and the use and the date of purchase, MAC address, mobile unique device ID and other information Mmathlh.thalilat third corporate party who collect information about the sites we have and / or services and other products and / or services online may combine information collected with other information collected independently from other sites and / or other products over the Internet or mobile services related to your activities through a network of sites, as well as on the Internet and / or products and services for the mobile phone. Many of these companies collect and use the information in light of the privacy policies of Bha.baladhavh to our use of technology, as shown here, and we are some third-party companies may allow to help us in the Declaration tailor that we believe may be of interest to you based on your use of the sites explanations and / or services and otherwise collect and use data about your use of sites explanations and / or services. For more information about this, please see the "Declaration of the third party Technologies" section Odnah.amkink withdrawal from the DoubleClick cookie by visiting the Google advertising opt-out page, or you may choose from Google Analytics by visiting the page opt-in Google Analytics has .jojl additional information available on the guidelines Privacy remarketing, and Agayood.tsttia display a list of other service providers who collect third party information service, and / or opt-out of such a collection of information about you, by visiting http: //www.networkadvertising. org / choices / or HTTP: // www. .2. How we use Amuallomatamoma, we use personal information to create and enhance our relationship with our users through four main categories: (1) communications. (2) improve. (3) Declaration; and (4) Post Features. Below, we offer some specific examples of how the use of personal information and other information that Ndjemaha.alatsalat In response to Tlebattnhn use your information, including personal information to provide you with customer support, the transaction process, and responding to user requests, send newsletters and updates, and send special offers advertising, and search for your opinions and feedback, and connect users to the explanations sites and / or services, and products and services from our partners and licensees to Ha.alomthelnhn use your information, including personal information, standards behavioral, and other information is personal to work, saving and improving and the preservation of sites and services we have, to develop new products and services, to prevent abuse and fraud, to customize and display ads and other content for you, and for the purposes of administrative business and internal Alokhry.aalannhn use your information, including personal information, standards and behavioral, data location, and demographic data and preferences marketing to customize and display ads and other content for K.tkasem Almizzatnhn use your information, including personal information and any other information that provides, directly or through passive means to provide you with different ways to connect and share content (for example, content on the Internet, user-created video, text, graphics, screen captures and lecture clips, and interrogate features, media, tools and services and other products) with third parties. For example, we may provide you with the opportunity to email a link to a particular content to someone else. To use this feature, we may ask you to provide some personal information, including your e-mail address and e-mail address for each person who send Alrabott.onhn were also may allow you to exchange links content with users from various third-party services (for example, networks social, search and exchange services). When you share links using one of these services tha partyW, if you have not already logged on to a third party service, you will need to provide login credentials for that data. If you are not registered to a third party service, you will need to register for it. You supply the registration information or login credentials for third party service directly to that third party, not to Na.basthaddam any of these services a third party to exchange links to content, which allows us to access, use and disclosure of any information relating to your account on each of these services a third party (such as your user name and personal information) that is available to us through a third party service, including through the application programming interface (API) in accordance with this Alsaash.obesckl more specifically, blog sites and / or services may use interfaces with social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others. If you choose to "like" or exchange information from sites http: // heikalgroup and / or services through these services, you should check the privacy policies of that service. If you are a member of the social media site, and the facades of the social networking site may allow to connect to your site for your personal information resulting in the same year show 0.3. When disclose information Alchksahnhn do not share personal information with third parties except in the limited circumstances described in this Alsaash.mekdma Alkhaddmhnhn can provide personal information to third parties for use in internal work tasks (for example, payment processing, customer service, maintenance, security, and analysis data, e-mail transmission, beta testing, or data hosting) on ??our behalf. In addition, some providers may be a third party service to gather information, including personal information, on our behalf. For example, we may use third-party provider to help us utilize the monitoring data and techniques to get the data transfer to users of illegal copies of some of the products we have roamed. It is not the implementation of this data for users of licensed products collection law of the Code and its authorized distributors. If you are using illegal copies of our software does not consent to the collection and transfer of such data (including the US), stop using version is illegal and contact us or one of the authorized distributors to have to get a properly licensed copy of Mentj.kellma possible, ask these third parties to collect only, and use of personal information in accordance with this policy, to maintain the confidentiality, security and integrity of personal information, and for no other purpose than to provide us with the required services to Dana.hrcaand visit or use part of any site, mobile application, or other consumer products It is co-branded or that are part of a promotional campaign jointly involving one blog or more third parties (both "branded company Party"), provided by the agreement to provide and transfer your personal information and other information provided to, or collected or obtained upon by the parties and any explanations of common brands are concerned, to the Code and all parties co-branded without any further notice or further approval. Please note that we do not control the use of any parties co-branded "or treatment of the information that you provide to them and you should consult the respective privacy policies or any privacy policy, described a separate company published on or linked to the co-branded site to determine your rights regarding the use of and address your information. you will need to communicate with us and each party branded company directly, as appropriate, if you decide that you no longer wish to receive messages or if you want to change any information that has been Toverha.almttlebatt Aleghanonahkd disclose personal information if We believe in good faith that it is required by the call, order, or judicial, administrative or other required by law otherwise ordered. In addition, we may disclose personal information where we, in good faith, deem it appropriate or necessary to prevent violation Terms of use of our own, or user licensing agreements, or our other agreements, take precautions against liability; protect our rights or property, or safety, or that of a partner, any individual or the general public; maintain and protect the safety and security of our sites and / or services or infrastructure. Protect ourselves and our websites and / or services of uses, fraud, or illegal; to investigate and defend ourselves against third-party claims or allegations. Or help regulators Aovernmah.tgier Lhkd is the disclosure of information about our users, including personal information, as part of any bankruptcy, merger, sale and transfer of the company's assets, acquisition, or similar transaction. In the case of such a transaction that will transfer your personal information to a third party, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you. For example, we will post notice of the transfer of personal information on sites we have and / or services, and if we have your e-mail address, we will send a notice of the transfer of personal information to the e-Alaketrona.almizzat Altvaalahama you use a forum, blog address, channel, plate ads, chat rooms, user commentary features, or other interactive sharing or social features that can be made through any of the sites and / or services, you should be aware that any personal information you provide, display or publish there is available to the public and can be read and collected and used, and disclosed by other users from those features, by us, and other third parties without restrictions, except insofar as limited access features are available, if any. To request the removal of your personal information from our blog, and the sharing of community service or mNtdy, for example, contact us on the information contained in this policy. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your personal information, in this case we will let you know if we are unable to do so, and the reason for this 0.4. Announcement Third Party Tknulogiabaladhavh to the use of cookies and related technologies as described above, and we are some third-party companies may also allow to help us in the Declaration tailor that we believe may be of interest to users and collection and use of other data about the user's activities on the sites and / or our services (on for example, to allow them to tailor ads on third party) services. These companies may offer ads that can also put cookies and user behavior tracking it. These companies may use information about user behavior in order to provide customized in different services and products announcements. In the course of providing such services and products, or placing ads, these third-party place companies that may or may recognize a unique link of its kind on your computer, it can be that the information recorded for these files based on your activities on any of our sites and / or services, and third-party sites. Each of these companies this information cake used in accordance with the privacy and security of private policies. If you want to not have to use this information for the purpose of serving you targeted ads, you may opt-out as described in this policy. Please note that this does not opt ??you out of being delivered the declaration. And it will continue to receive public service announcements 0.5. Children under the age of 13 we are not aware seek or collect personal information from users under the age of 13 years, except to the extent explanations may collect personal information is limited to students (but not their e-mail addresses), but only where the school that the student or the school district, It has contracted with explanations for the collection of personal information from students in the educational context authorized by the school or school district. It does not allow children under the age of 13 years to create an account without your explicit a parent or guardian consent order. We recommend that minors over the age of 13 ask their parents for permission before sending any information about themselves to anyone over Alanturnt.nhn need schools or school districts to get the consent of the parents or guardian of the student's guardian or guardian before collecting such student's personal information. If you are a student, please do not send any personal information about yourself to us, other than what we ask you when you subscribe to any of the sites and / or services. If we know that we have to collect personal information from students without parental consent or guardian is obtained from his or her school or school district, or if we had to learn the student may provide us with personal information beyond what we ask when he or she marks on any of the sites and / or services, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that the student has provided us with personal information beyond what is required when you subscribe to any of our sites and / or services, or the consent of the parents or guardian or the school district did not get a student, please contact us on privacy ashraf.heikal@yahoo .com despite anything to the contrary contained in this policy, if you're a student, as described above, your parent or guardian sign up to our sites, and / or service with a password, or access to the identity provided by the school, to understand that the parent or guardian may be able to display all the information in, or associated with your account, including, without limitation, between you and the teacher and the grades I got Manmtk.almstkhaddman under 13 years of age who are not students of messages as described above, will be considered in the continued use of this site and / or service by Entries confirmation that your parent or guardian has explicitly agreed to deal with your personal information as described in this referred to the policy as it is in the opening paragraph of this policy 0.6. Achtaaratktkadim information Alchksahama you do not wish to provide personal information that is necessary to provide or use sites and / or services or to meet your request, and you will not be able to access and / or participate in some of the explanations sites and / or services. For example, you will not be able to register for an account with us or participate in some contests or promotions or access and / or use of certain product features Entries Ashraf feisty structure or the structure of a group or online services. In addition, he refused to provide personal information may limit our ability to respond to your inquiry customer support at a time Almnasp.tharir information Alchksahkd, at any time, update, correct, or delete some personal information you have provided to us by updating your preferences in your account settings page or by contacting us at the postal address or e-mail provided for in this Alsaash.khiarat Altsoeqama you want to remove yourself from individual communications, including marketing promotions, announcements and updates, e-mail newsletters, simply click on the unsubscribe communications or access link to your account settings at logon page. You also acknowledges and agrees there may be situations where we may choose to be notified about administrative notices about your account with us, like to inform you about the changes in our Terms and Conditions, and policies, that your account may be over, or to provide you with other relevant about your account management information. Because this information is important to your dealings with us, you may not opt ??out of receiving these Alrsail.hzv Al_husabama you submit personal information, you can delete your account with us at any time. If you delete your account, your personal information and any and all relevant informationOther expense, including, but not limited to, user profile data, the exchange of data and other data, and credits associated specifically with your account and permanently deleted. If you choose to have an account with us in the future, you'll have to sign up for a new account because none of the information previously submitted or saved within your account will have been saved 0.7. Alomanantakz reasonable measures, including the implementation and maintenance of the physical and electronic procedures, and management, in an effort to ensure the security, integrity and accuracy of all personal information we collect. Our efforts include measures to avoid unauthorized access, modification or misuse or disclosure of information Alchksah.ama we are to learn from the breach of security systems, we may attempt to notify you electronically so that you can take appropriate preventive steps. Using ashrafheikal elmoshakaes Sites and / or services by this policy and provide personal information to us are covered, you agree that we can communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy and administrative issues relating to your account information and Alasthaddam.alenzahh 8. Data retention Balbaanatenhn collect and use personal information in accordance with this policies and only for the purposes set out in this policy and / or at the time that requests personal information from our users, or for such purposes for which the user can only agree. We do not use or share personal information of our users in a way that is incompatible with the purposes for which the personal information requested and licensed for use by us. Keep personal information for a period not exceeding commercially useful for the implementation of the purposes we have, or that we believe may be required by law. When personal information is deleted or updated by you, it may take up to 30 days of the systems can be accessed, and up to 90 days of reserve copying systems, and for us to delete such personal information 0.9. Access to information Alchksahtsttia display, the right, or delete personal information about you Entries stores. Most of your personal information can be accessed and corrected by simply logging into your account and access your profile. If you want to get a report of your personal information has explanations about you, please send us a written request to the address indicated in this policy 0.10. Third party entry and Zivhoyjoz allow users who have accounts on some third-party services, including but not limited to, social networking, search, exchange, and other services provided by third parties, to go beyond the standard registration process in place. If you connect through authorized third-party service, you will be able to use third party login information to log on to your blog ashrafheikal elmoshakaes or access code ashrafhekal elmoshakaes content, sites and / or services. We are not responsible for sharing, posting, commenting, content, or other information collection practices of any third-party services may be caused by the use of these services log on a third party. Please review the service and privacy terms and policies carefully before using the function log on a third party to access any blog sites and / or Alkhaddmat.basthaddam any third-party services to log on to your blog account or access to blog sites and / or services, which allow us access and the storage and use of all relevant information to your third party that may be available to us through a third party service account, including through the application programming interface (API), in accordance with this policy 0.11. Third-party services and Sriahkd contain blog content, including forums, products and services contests, newsletters and communications that we send to our users, links to content provided by third parties. For example, contacts may contain links to third-party traders (such as digital juice) and some of them have bought products. To buy products from these dealers a third party, there may be a need to provide personal information, including your credit card or other Aldf.bed of the Code products and services Information Card, Entries self-hosted applications, to name a few) interface or integrated with third-party storage, sharing, and access to websites and services such as Microsoft's OneDrive® and services, and others. If you choose to store and share files, or access, content or information which may include personal information (collectively "Content") that you create using the products for the products and services the Code through these services, you should check the privacy policies of that service. For example, if you want to store, share, or access to your content that has been created using the application Snagit® Code through the site, integrated services OneDrive® and Snagit® Microsoft feature, you should review the privacy Entries policy and Oajb you also review Maekerosowicbaan Privacy Wen Drive, in particular, Archive Microsoft sections entitled onedrive and where the information is stored and processed will also be your content collection, processed and / or stored by the explanations and / or provider third party, in the Microsoft case in the United States and / or Other countries. Using direct integration Entries product with the Site and Services OneDrive® Microsoft, you expressly agree to your content being shared with all this data Blog, Microsoft and will be subject to the privacy explanations of the policy and a statement Microsoft onedrive privacy, and are available for use with blog accounts and Microsoft 0.12. California Al_khasusihbaladhavh rights to the rights set forth in this Privacy Policy, the California Civil Code Section 1798.83 T.Sarih California residents who are individual consumers or users of blog sites and / or services or services to request certain information regarding its disclosure of personal information to third parties who direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please contact us by mail or e-mail at the address specified in the "Contact Us" section .acharouhat in California do not follow the tracks Ahzacharouhat customers over time and through third-party sites to offer targeted ads. We do not respond to Lalla Trace ( "DNT") signals from web browsers. DNT is a preference you can set in your web browser to notify sites that you do not want to Taatba.amkink enable or disable DNT through the Preferences page or your web browser settings to visit .However, it should establish a unified technological industry standards for the recognition and implementation of the "do not follow" the signals, we will be open to the following industry standards of this third Alaqbil.alotrav containing content embedded on the blog sites and / or services, such as Google, company, digital River,, Inc., Qualtrics, LLC, Channeltivity, LLC, Facebook, Inc. Twitter, Inc., LinkedIn, Inc., Silver pop, UserZoom INC, UserZoom limited, a limited UserZoom, and UserZoom techniques SL, may cookies put in the user's browser and / or to obtain information about the fact that the Web browser visited the site Blog specific and / or service from a particular IP address. Can not third parties collect any personal information from other sites and / or blog services unless you provide them with Mbacrh.lahz Qabarntkdm explanations of sites and / or services that allow you to add content to participate in general or with interactive friends. If you have questions about how to remove the content at a specific site and / or service, or if you want extra help with the deletion, you can contact our Blog our support directly at http: // Although we offer the ability to delete sites and / or services, you should be aware that the removal of content may not guarantee removal complete or comprehensive for the content or information published through websites and / or services 0.13. Changes and updates to this Alsaashkd We update this policy from time to time. If we do, we will update the "Effective Date" at the top of politics. If you want to make fundamental changes in the way we use personal information, and we will try to notify you of the change and give you the opportunity to exercise the option of how to use your personal information. We will post updates on the sites and / or affected by service policy, and if we have your e-mail address, we will send update notification to the e-Alaketrona.nhn title encourage you to review this policy periodically to stay aware of our collection, use and disclosure of personal information. Your continued use of our sites and / or services, or any other content, products or other services covered by this policy agree to this policy and any updates 0.14. International users and the European Union and the United States, Switzerland haven Alamenkd hosted sites and / or blog services in the United States. If you use our sites and / or services from the European Union or Switzerland, or any other region with laws governing data collection and use that may differ from the United States Code, please note that it may be moved your personal data outside the terms of reference for the United States. The United States does not have the same data protection in the European Union, Switzerland and other regions have laws. By providing personal information under this document, you agree to use your personal information in accordance with this policy and transfer your personal information to the US Altdh.ttbaiq personal information set forth the practices in this privacy policy on each blog sites and / or services, and customers all over the the world. You have the right to access and correct these data and / or personal information. To exercise these rights, or to put the privacy of other data questions, please contact / send an email to committed Entries safe compliance under the United States Code and the European Union, the United States and Switzerland Safe Framework Harbor as set forth by the US Department of Commerce with respect to the collection, use and save personal information from members of the European Union and Soisra.waldol Arab countries Entries it may be seen that it is committed to uphold the principles of the Privacy safe haven of the notice, and the selection and data transfer, security, data integrity, access, and enforcement. To learn more about Safe Harbor program, and to view the Code certification, please visit http: // explanations regular audits of their compliance with this Privacy Policy. Feel free to ask any questions or concerns regarding this policy, or explanations treatment of personal information by contacting us through this site https // or by writing to us at the email Al_khasusihaly /
party complainant concerning His interests. Entries will cooperate with the appropriate regulatory authorities, including local data protection authorities, to resolve any complaints regarding the transfer of personal data Entries performance does not guarantee error-free under this Privacy Policy. We will make reasonable efforts to comply with this Privacy Policy, and will take corrective action when Entries learns of any failure to comply with the privacy conditions. Entries must not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages or punitive regarding this Privacy Policy.

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